Saturday, August 1, 2009

Patriarchy on Top

Here are some helpful hints for women that we've had to learn on our own. About 2 weeks ago we picked up a fourth guide book for kids. This one was written by a man travelling with his wife and actually had one or two of the lessons we'd already learned. This isn't to say that they never had anything useful to women, but these ones were all missing. Please keep these in mind!

What the Patriarchal Guidebook Left Out

1) Moving to the tropics messes with everything you ever knew or thought you knew about your cycle...remember this in terms of kotex and ovulation.

2) The availability of Canesten/pads/tampons.

3) In a humid climate, pads CHAFE! Major badness here...>.<

4) A bra may be neceassary in a tro tro for even the most liberated of women, especially major roads to Accra. A rumble strip in Canada simply causes a noise. In Ghana, a rumble strip is a series of 5 speed bumps used to control speeding (necessary!). Rural roads have trenches the size of, well, tenches.

5) Hot, humid climates encourage Yeast Infection. Bring breathable panties or leave them at home. Canesten is your friend.

6) Probiotics and useful yoghourt are impossible to come by in Ghana. In the even that you have to take Cipro (or any other antibiotic) for digestive issues, there will be nothing to replace good bacteria. Canester is your friend.

7) There is no fool proof way to repel men.

8) When pretending to be married (which the guide book suggests) be sure to invent some kids as well or you will a) get lots of flack for not having children yet and/or b) a proposal from more "vigorous" and "potent" men than your imaginary husband.

9) Tro-tro drivers estimate how many people can fit on a seat based on male hips. Yours, and any other woman's (African or otherwise) will only ever be bigger than the skinny man they used to measure.

10) People WILL use the Bible (to attempt) to "prove" your inferiority.

Patriarchy rots!

The Jessicat

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