Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Not in Africa, but in the Canada place we know and love.

I've been in Ontario for a week now. I picked Conor up at the airport on Friday and we spent the May-2-4 Weekend out in Rondeau. It was freezing much of the time, but the weather and the sunsets were beautiful.

After a few days of relaxation, we began to Value Village and pick up the last of our odds and ends. We are also bringing along a book about Ewan McGregor motorcycling around Africa. Kie! Fortunately or unfortunately, the local people will likely be uninterested in adding it to their library.

And so we leave tonight!

We spent last night packing everything up and today unpacking it and repacking it. We've also done menial, but important, last miute errand type things.

A major plus to the day is that my mom let the younger kids stay home from school today. Unfortunately, between Conor and I wrapping up some last minute things and my siblings drifting to the computer and xbox, I'm not spending as much time with them as I would like.

So...I'm going to get to that...

-The Jessicat

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