I was intending on writing everything here that I wrote in my journal...but I thik my journal is going to be a little more detailed.
Conor and I departed on our Emirates flight. At first, it seemed like the most luxurious plane we had ever been on (and I guess it still is) but the glamour wears off fairly thoroughly after sitting in it for 13 hours.
We didn't sleep the whole way to Dubai.
Arriving in Dubai, there was no tourism information whatsoever...The closest we got to findig any was a sort of tourist map that we stole from a fancy 4 star hotel and I bell hop unable or too uncomfortalbe to answer our questions. Since there was no tourism information, we had to go where we were told at first. We were quickly ushered into a gigantic mall. Normally, I might have enjoyed this, but Radioshack and the GAP in Dubai is only as interesting as it is in Canada...or anywhere else.
We tried to walk elsewhere, but its not a very walking friendly city...they want you to drive. So we took our map and asked a taxi driver to take us to the gold souk. This is just a big area with a thousand jewellery stores (which was far more interesting than the mall), but none of the places for food that we were looking for. We ended up back at the mall, ate a large and scrumptious meal and encountered fast food flirtation. This concept may get its own post at a later date.
We went bck to the airport, planning to sleep...instead there was icecream, more fast food flirtation and wandering around. Apparently Dubai's duty free has won awards?
I slept the whole way from Dubai to Accra. We made it to Ho...we still haven't got to the village. From here, it is a half hour drive. We had a restless nigh, whcih would have been made better by the fan working, and awoke very early, very thirsty. We had an adventure getting water, had marriage proposals and are now going to eat breakfast.
Ciao for now!
-The Jessicat
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